Where does mindfulness fit in franchising? 🤔

Uncategorized Feb 21, 2023

Meditation. Visualization. Gratitude. I truly believe that the better I am, the better I can be for others 🤩

It was so fun attending the #FBRSummit22 in Nashville! Thank you to Katrina Mitchell Franchise Speakers and Michelle Monroe Rowan, CFE for being amazing humans and allowing me to share mindfulness tips to the dedicated team that serve franchise partners. 🤗


Here's a quick peak:

Focused on franchisee support: Top franchise leaders gathered in Nashville at #FBRSummit22 to discuss how to best support #franchise owners from a place of focus, inspiration, and abundance.

Certified mindfulness teacher and franchising leader, Carisa Findley, shared insights on how to support franchise partners with a mindful approach. #franchising #inspiration #franchiseopportunities #mindfulleadership


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