Success: How to live a happier, healthier, wealthier life! INTERVIEW

Uncategorized May 31, 2021


Do you have your copy of my best-selling book, Success? (aaah! can't believe I get to write that!) If you want your own autographed copy, check this out!

In this interview, I sit down with my fellow co-author, Bill Nazzaro, to discuss how we got started with the book and our tips for entrepreneurs and professionals to have SUCCESS! We talk about how to use visualization and mindfulness as an edge to getting the success you desire.

The book was co-authored with Jack Canfield (author of the Chicken Soup for the Soul series, and my fav, The Success Principles) and includes tips to live your happiest, healthiest, wealthiest life!



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PODCAST EPISODE: How to live with intention for the rest of your life!

Uncategorized Jan 26, 2021

I was so excited to spend time chatting with Francesca Phillips from The Good Space. I met Francesca at Brendon Burchard's HPX event in 2020 and we instantly connected on all things spirituality, high performance and mindfulness. 




Our time was spent talking about intentionality. In our incredibly powerful conversation, we talked about:


What gets us off track of any goal or intentional focus we set is that we think about these things in a perfect little bubble.



Even under normal circumstances, we “get caught up in the day-to-day, and operate every single day based on old beliefs about ourselves. We want this new life but still operate like 90% of our day in our unconscious that has been programmed by the past. So it's only natural that we start to just kind of pivot back towards the way things always were, we always get pulled back into our comfort...

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FREE MASTERCLASS: How to do from Stuck to Success! 3 reasons you don't hit your goals (and what to do instead!)

Uncategorized Jan 12, 2021

I have a question for you about those 2021 goals that you set…and I want you to answer honestly – have you given up on some of them??


We start the new year and we are so freakin pumped and then days, weeks go by and excitement and energy start to get a little lower. We get back to work, stress and fatigue set in and the next thing you know…you’ve given up and you just feel stuck and disappointed with yourself.


Well, …you’re not alone. I saw a stat that says less than 8% of people keep their NY  resolutions. You may be frustrated that you already went off your meal plan,  or Maybe you set a financial goal of saving more money, but your saving account isn’t growing yet. Or – maybe you don’t even set goals anymore because you know that you’ve only failed in the past.


So many people make the same 3 goal-setting mistakes and I want to share how you can finally make a change.


There is so...

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Working on setting your goals?

Uncategorized Jan 01, 2021

dream written down with a date becomes a goal. A goal broken down into steps becomes a plan. A plan backed by action becomes reality. 


If 2021 is the year that you want to take your DREAM and make it a REALITY, it's time to have a plan that is backed with action. 

When I set goals, I follow a five-step process. I've taken these five steps and placed them in my Here to be Great Goal Guide, which you can find here:


I like to start by looking at 6 important areas in my life and listing out all of my dreams

Then, I prioritize what's most important for me to achieve NOW. 

After I have my most important and urgent dreams in all six areas of my life, I take my dreams and set SMART goals. Ever heard of a S.M.A.R.T. goal? 

  • Specific 
  • Measurable
  • Attainable
  • Realistic
  • Time bound

I get really specific on my dreams by turning this into goals with measurements and time perimeters. 

Then, I...

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One simple way to feel more grateful

Uncategorized Dec 27, 2020

I know it can be easy to move from one thing to next, one goal to the next, one year to the next. It’s in our nature to always be looking ahead, marking accomplishments off our to-do list then moving to the next one.

In this video, I want to share one simple way that you can tap into the gratitude of everything you experienced this year – the love, the opportunities, the blessing – before just jumping into the next set of goals. So come with me and let’s talk about how powerful this gratitude practice can be!

You can probably relate to that sense of moving from one thing to the next, and it’s all about accomplishing more! But, if you’re like me, I’m guilty of not really pausing to reflect on all the things I’ve accomplished. I’m all about what’s next – barely giving pause, yet alone gratitude to what I have achieved.

It’s so important, though, that we take time to reflect back – not always forward –...

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Want to be better at reaching your goals?

Uncategorized Dec 11, 2020

2021 New Year’s resolutions are right around the corner. Goal setting season is almost here and if you’re not using visualization as a tool to help you reach your goals, you are missing out on something pretty transformational! I want to show you how you can use this tool to create an extraordinary life for yourself.


One powerful tool that I want to share to help you on your journey to greatness is visualization. Visualization is the practice of using your imagination to see the outcomes you desire. Using your mind, you can create mental pictures of the world you wish to see, whether that is the view from your new beach house when you wake up each day or the sale of your business for more than you expected. Your mind is a powerful force. The thoughts created from your mind hold the power to determine your destiny.


If you’re not using this as a part of your new year's resolutions or goal planning, you are missing out on this strategy that is...

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Don't make this mistake when it comes to setting goals!

Uncategorized Dec 06, 2020

Before you start manifesting your big, fantastic, extraordinary life – you have to make sure that you are not making the #1 mistake that most people make that prevents them you living their dream life. Do you know what it is? It’s not being crystal clear about exactly what they want. You’d be surprised how many people want to earn “more money” but do not know exactly what dollar figure “more money” is.


So, let’s talk about goals and how to take this important first step that will ultimately determine if you achieve those goals.


I’ve worked with a lot of entrepreneurs who have goals to grow their business. They want to make more money, help serve more people and grow their brand in the community. But, they make a critical mistake, which is they don’t know the specifics of what they want.  


So what happens if you don’t get specific? What happens if you want to “be healthier”...

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Holiday Gift Giving Guide: Giving Mindfulness

Uncategorized Nov 29, 2020



Oh 2020! What better time to give your loved ones the gift of mindfulness.


According to a recent study by the American Psychological Association, 2 in 3 adults report having experienced increased stress during the pandemic.


Here’s a list of my fav mindfulness gifts (full disclosure- I work for Elements Massage but other than that, I’m not associated with any of these brands and don’t sell them- just a fan!)


Mind Shift Membership by Davidji - one of my favorite meditation teachers ‍


Lululemon’s “the mat” yoga mat- this has been my go-to mat for years! 


I’m a BIG fan of Gabby Bernstein!! The book, “The Universe Has Your Back” helped me create so much positive change in my life! I reread these books over and over! Also, what a great way to support small businesses by buying local!


Another way to support small business is buying a sage and...

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How full is your gratitude tank?

Uncategorized Nov 21, 2020


At any moment throughout the day, you can find gratitude. Yes, even on miserable days and miserable conditions. You have to power at any moment to find gratitude and I want to teach you one quick trick to get into that state.


I think that many of us have moments where we feel grateful. But, if you’re like me – I’m not always in the state of “gratitude.” I’m on my phone or annoyed at an email that I got. I’m getting coffee with Nate thinking about the work I have to do right after this. Can you relate?


There was a Harvard study that was done that found that people are not focused on what’s in front of them 47% of the time, which caused the participates to not feel happy.


The art of mindfulness is simply that – when we are connected to what’s in front of us (aka the present moment), we are happy. We are at peace, we are full of gratitude. But, it’s so easy to get caught up in the day-to-day,...

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One way to bring your BEST energy!

Uncategorized Nov 14, 2020

Here’s one of the most important things I have learned: be mindful of the energy that you bring when you walk into a room. This nugget came from the one and only – Oprah, so you know it’s a good one! Let’s talk about one quick trick to help you bring only the best energy into every room you enter.


I want you to be the type of person that everyone is glad to see when you walk into a room! What about the opposite of that…can you picture someone that you just freakin dread every time they come into a room? I’ve called people “Eeyore.” Do you want to be that kind of person? NO! Do people want to work with people like that? NO! Do they want to do have a drink with someone like that? NO! So, let’s uplift the energy in every room we enter!


First, what the hell is energy and why is it so important? You know when you get bad “vibes” from someone? You can’t quite place it…they didn't say anything...

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